Inspred Pathways

Life Requires your Absolute Attention and Involvement

Life demands our complete attention. By being fully aware of everything, big or small, wisdom gradually unfolds within us. When we recognize that we’re trapped in a futile attempt to become a ‘good’ separate ‘self,’ defined by arbitrary judgments of ‘right’ and ‘wrong,’ we realize that these labels have shaped our existence without our choosing. We can choose to live in awareness and drop this illusion. Everything is happening within us and requires attentive awareness of our inner world as it reacts to the outer world.

“I gained a much deeper experience of living in the moment and, through the exercises, the ability to bring myself through questioning back to the moment – AM I that?… or AM I the awareness of that? – and this I can bring back to my daily life, infused with love”

“I gained a deeper understanding of my program and how I play it out in my daily life AND being able to see it without judgment and let go with love”

“I found that releasing my now feelings whenever they arose enabled me to remain calm, strong and confident. At first, as you discharge more and more of the negative energies, you will find yourself experiencing more of the positive feelings. Your life will improve in every way, but sooner or later you will see the wisdom in discharging the positive emotions as well. At that point, you will see that all along, you have been moving toward the peak state of imperturbability.” Michael Hutchinson Author