Dr. Karyn’s gift lies in her natural intuitive skills and her dedication to sharing them with you. With extensive experience in medical psychotherapy and mindfulness, she has guided thousands to amazing life changes and self-perception shifts.
Using the Sedona Method and coaching sessions to reveal and release limiting patterns, you can achieve incredible transformations. Are you ready to recognize subconscious patterns that hinder your wholeness, balance, maturity, and emotional intelligence? Do you aspire to be the person you envision and feel in control and patient, regardless of circumstances?
We often don’t understand why we repeat undesirable reactive patterns. I’m here to help you gain clarity and provide tools for successful change. I can evaluate your patterns and tendencies, guiding you with simple, easy-to-learn techniques to increase your self-awareness, empower yourself and have more mastery over your destiny.
If you can see it, if you can make hidden pattern conscious, you’re 90% of the way to shifting toward a happier state of being. Developing that vision may require some help, and I’m here to guide you through it. Together, we’ll use tools to work through limiting behaviors, with me as your guide in a safe space for exploration. Experience changes from the inside out—it’s easy once you ‘get it.’ You will become a natural with the tools for change!
“I feel privileged to have had Dr. Klapecki guide me through many personal and life issues. Initially, she helped me through post-partum depression and later, many more crises. She helps you shed facades and connect with your core truth. With her laser-sharp talent, I can now live as the authentic, compassionate being I always aspired to be.” —W.C., Health Care Professional, Toronto
For those seeking freedom from ego patterns and deeper self-realization, we use advanced techniques to explore core identity patterns. These sessions guide you toward unity consciousness by looking beyond sensations and drives. Through self-inquiry, we realize that separation is a perspective issue.
> “The most important life lesson is the realization of who you are in essence, beyond the person.” > —Eckhart Tolle
Available for private, couples, and group sessions in person, teleconferencing, and video conferencing, aimed at increasing Emotional Intelligence and inner freedom.
Feel free to contact me at karyn@inspiredpathways.com or 416-964-8887 to discuss whether this service is a fit for you. We will arrange an initial 15-20 min. free call to get acquainted and see if this is right for you.
“In my work with Karyn, I’ve gained clarity about aspects of life that take me away from my true self. I’ve learned to see and release old patterns. Karyn’s coaching has brought me greater awareness, a willingness to relax and trust, and an ability to make clear choices. I am lighter, freer, and happier as a result of working with Karyn and the Sedona Method.” —M.N., Banking Executive, Florida
“I gained a much deeper experience of living in the moment and, through the exercises, the ability to bring myself through questioning back to the moment – AM I that?… or AM I the awareness of that? – and this I can bring back to my daily life, infused with love”
“I gained a deeper understanding of my program and how I play it out in my daily life AND being able to see it without judgment and let go with love”
“I found that releasing my now feelings whenever they arose enabled me to remain calm, strong and confident. At first, as you discharge more and more of the negative energies, you will find yourself experiencing more of the positive feelings. Your life will improve in every way, but sooner or later you will see the wisdom in discharging the positive emotions as well. At that point, you will see that all along, you have been moving toward the peak state of imperturbability.” Michael Hutchinson Author